class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Logistic Regression ## Odds + probabilities ### Prof. Maria Tackett --- class: middle, center ## [Click here for PDF of slides](18-logistic-odds.pdf) --- ## Topics - Logistic regression for binary response variable - Relationship between odds and probabilities - Use logistic regression model to calculate predicted odds and probabilities --- ## Types of response variables .vocab[Quantitative response variable]: - Sales price of a house in Levittown, NY - **Model**: Expected sales price given the number of bedrooms, lot size, etc. -- .vocab[Categorical response variable]: - High risk of coronary heart disease - **Model**: Probability an adult is high risk of heart disease given their age, total cholesterol, etc. --- ## Models for categorical response variables .pull-left[ .vocab[Logistic Regression] 2 Outcomes 1: Yes, 0: No ] -- .pull-right[ .vocab[Multinomial Logistic Regression] 3+ Outcomes 1: Democrat, 2: Republican, 3: Independent ] <br><br> -- .center[ **Let's focus on logistic regression models for now.** ] --- ## FiveThirtyEight 2020 election forcasts <img src="img/18/fivethirtyeight_president_nc.png" width="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[[FiveThirtyEight Election Forcasts](] --- ## FiveThirtyEight NBA finals predictions <img src="img/18/nba-predictions.png" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[[2019-20 NBA Predictions](] --- ## Do teenagers get 7+ hours of sleep? .pull-left[ Students in grades 9 - 12 surveyed about health risk behaviors including whether they usually get 7 or more hours of sleep. .vocab[`Sleep7`] 1: yes 0: no ] .pull-right[ | Age| Sleep7| |---:|------:| | 16| 1| | 17| 0| | 18| 0| | 17| 1| | 15| 0| | 17| 0| | 17| 1| | 16| 1| | 16| 1| | 18| 0| ] --- ## Let's fit a linear regression model .vocab[Response]: `\(Y\)` = 1: yes, 0: no <img src="18-logistic-odds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Let's use proportions .vocab[Response]: Probability of getting 7+ hours of sleep <img src="18-logistic-odds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## What happens if we zoom out? .vocab[Response]: Probability of getting 7+ hours of sleep <img src="18-logistic-odds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> 🛑 **This model produces predictions outside of 0 and 1.** --- ## Let's try another model <img src="18-logistic-odds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ✅ This model (called a .vocab[logistic regression model]) only produces predictions between 0 and 1. --- ## Different types of models | Method | Response Type | Model | |-------------------------------|---------------|-------| | Linear Regression | Quantitative | `\(Y = \beta_0 + \beta_1~ X\)` | | Linear regression (transform Y) | Quantitative | `\(\log(Y) = \beta_0 + \beta_1~ X\)` | | Logistic regression | Binary | `\(\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big) = \beta_0 + \beta_1 ~ X\)` | --- ## Binary response variable - `\(Y = 1: \text{ yes}, 0: \text{ no}\)` -- - `\(\pi\)`: .vocab[probability] that `\(Y=1\)`, i.e., `\(P(Y = 1)\)` -- - `\(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\)`: .vocab[odds] that `\(Y = 1\)` -- - `\(\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big)\)`: .vocab[log odds] -- - Go from `\(\pi\)` to `\(\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big)\)` using the .vocab[logit transformation] --- ## Odds Suppose there is a **70% chance** it will rain tomorrow -- - Probability it will rain is `\(\mathbf{p = 0.7}\)` -- - Probability it won't rain is `\(\mathbf{1 - p = 0.3}\)` -- - Odds it will rain are **7 to 3**, **7:3**, `\(\mathbf{\frac{0.7}{0.3} \approx 2.33}\)` --- ## Are teenagers getting enough sleep? .center[ ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 3 ## Sleep7 n p ## <int> <int> <dbl> ## 1 0 150 0.336 ## 2 1 296 0.664 ``` ] -- `\(P(\text{7+ hours of sleep}) = P(Y = 1) = p = 0.664\)` -- `\(P(\text{< 7 hours of sleep}) = P(Y = 0) = 1 - p = 0.336\)` -- `\(P(\text{odds of 7+ hours of sleep}) = \frac{0.664}{0.336} = 1.976\)` --- ## From odds to probabilities .vocab[odds] `$$\omega = \frac{\pi}{1-\pi}$$` -- .vocab[probability] `$$\pi = \frac{\omega}{1 + \omega}$$` --- ## Logistic model: from odds to probabilities 1️⃣ **Logistic model**: log odds = `\(\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big) = \beta_0 + \beta_1~X\)` -- 2️⃣ **odds =** `\(\exp\big\{\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big)\big\} = \frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\)` -- Combining 1️⃣ and 2️⃣ with what we saw earlier `$$\text{probability} = \pi = \frac{\exp\{\beta_0 + \beta_1~X\}}{1 + \exp\{\beta_0 + \beta_1~X\}}$$` --- ## Logistic regression model .eq[ **Logit form**: `$$\log\big(\frac{\pi}{1-\pi}\big) = \beta_0 + \beta_1~X$$` ] -- .eq[ **Probability form**: `$$\pi = \frac{\exp\{\beta_0 + \beta_1~X\}}{1 + \exp\{\beta_0 + \beta_1~X\}}$$` ] --- ## Risk of coronary heart disease This dataset is from an ongoing cardiovascular study on residents of the town of Framingham, Massachusetts. We want to use .vocab[`age`] to predict if a randomly selected adult is high risk of having coronary heart disease in the next 10 years. .vocab[`high_risk`]: - 1: High risk of having heart disease in next 10 years - 0: Not high risk of having heart disease in next 10 years .vocab[`age`]: Age at exam time (in years) --- ## High risk vs. age <img src="18-logistic-odds_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Let's fit the model ```r *high_risk_model <- glm(high_risk ~ age, data = heart_data, * family = "binomial") tidy(high_risk_model) %>% kable(digits = 3) ``` |term | estimate| std.error| statistic| p.value| |:-----------|--------:|---------:|---------:|-------:| |(Intercept) | -5.561| 0.284| -19.599| 0| |age | 0.075| 0.005| 14.178| 0| --- ## Let's fit the model |term | estimate| std.error| statistic| p.value| |:-----------|--------:|---------:|---------:|-------:| |(Intercept) | -5.561| 0.284| -19.599| 0| |age | 0.075| 0.005| 14.178| 0| <br> .eq[ `$$\log\Big(\frac{\hat{\pi}}{1-\hat{\pi}}\Big) = -5.561 + 0.075 \times \text{age}$$` where `\(\hat{\pi}\)` is the predicted probability of being high risk ] --- ## Predicted log odds ```r predict(high_risk_model) ``` ``` ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ## -2.650 -2.127 -1.978 -1.007 -2.127 -2.351 -0.858 -2.202 -1.679 -2.351 ``` -- **For observation 1** `$$\text{predicted odds} = \hat{\omega} = \frac{\hat{\pi}}{1-\hat{\pi}} = \exp\{-2.650\} = 0.071$$` --- ## Predcited probabilities ```r predict(high_risk_model, * type = "response") ``` ``` ## 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ## 0.066 0.106 0.122 0.267 0.106 0.087 0.298 0.100 0.157 0.087 ``` -- `$$\text{predicted probabilities} = \hat{\pi} = \frac{\exp\{-2.650\}}{1 + \exp\{-2.650\}} = 0.066$$` --- ## Recap - Logistic regression for binary response variable - Relationship between odds and probabilities - Used logistic regression model to calculate predicted odds and probabilities